Sweet & Spicy Candied Shrimp
Who doesn't love decadent shrimp sauteed and candied in butter, brown sugar, honey and dashed with some crushed red pepper? Is your mouth watering yet? I love you too.
Oh my, my mouth is watering again thinking about how good those are. They make a wonderful appetizer, party snack or as just plain munchies. The shrimp that I used in this particular recipe is the 61/70 count shrimp. I have used other sizes as well, but I prefer this size. This time I also used pre-cooked shrimp, simply because it was on sale and deveined already. So here is what you need.
1 package of shrimp. The exact amount doesn't quite matter, I used half a pound here.
1/2 c butter.
1/4 or 1/2 c water
1/2 c brown sugar
1/4 c honey
Dried red pepper, crushed or not. (Alas, I am a gringo, so that is as spicy as I go, but feel free to utilize any other dried peppers as your psychotic brain desires.)
Mix your shrimp and butter on medium heat in a sauce pan. If you are cooking raw shrimp, use 1/2 c of water. If you are using pre-cooked shrimp, use 1/4 c.
Now that your butter is melted and your sugar and honey is blended in, add your pepper. Turn the heat up to medium-high and stir. You are going to bring it to a boil and continue to cook it boiling, so you will need to be vigilant in your mixing.
Can you taste it yet? It is mouth watering I promise. Now this is a disclaimer for you idiots out there that do not know that boiling sugar holds heat for a long, LONG time and will burn the living shit out of you if you try to snatch a nibble or two during the cooking process. That being said, Do Not come in contact with the sauce at this point, because we are aiming to raise the temperature to just slightly below the candy soft-ball stage, which is 235° F–240° F.
Now, this will take a few minutes to achieve, mouth watering agonizing minutes where I will sit here and enjoy my satisfaction knowing your just dying to try one. Yes, I still love you.
Look at that nice caramelized color, knowing full well that very soon this succulent shrimp will be exploding in your mouth. Now gather up about you your remaining last wits, and grab a plate and grab you some of these mouth watering morsels. (I fully recommend that you wait a minute or two for them to cool down a bit.)
Yes, I really do love you. Isn't this proof enough?
mmmmmmm...mouth is watering remembering......